
[https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-721] 123. BalanceOf Vs OwnerOf NFT Functions ERC721 standard를 만족시키기 위해 반드시 구현해야 하는 interface 중 이번에는 BalanceOf와 OwnerOf function을 구현해보려 한다. /// @notice Count all NFTs assigned to an owner /// @dev NFTs assigned to the zero address are considered invalid, and this /// function throws for queries about the zero address. /// @param _owner An address for whom to qu..
building out the minting function: a. NFT to pint to an address b. keep track of the token ids c. keep track of token owner addresses to token ids d. keep track of how many tokens an owner address has e. create an even that emits a transfer log - contract address, where it is being minted to, the id 114. Mapping Database for The Minting NFT Function 먼저 c, d 번 기능을 위해 매핑 구조를 만들어야 한다. mapping in so..
105. The Ethereum Improvement Proposal (EIP ERC721 Standard) https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-721 EIP-721: Non-Fungible Token Standard eips.ethereum.org 이제 NFT를 minting하는 smart contract를 짜볼 것이다. 앞서 말했듯이 ERC-721 프로토콜을 따라야 하기 때문에 위의 문서를 참고해서 구현해야 하는 것들을 살펴보자. enumeration extension은 optinal이라고 적혀있지만, NFT marketplace에서 그것은 필수이다. 106. EIP & The Open Zeppelin Token Contracts 앞서서 dependencies를 살펴볼때 o..
97. NFT Smart Contract KryptoBirdz Shell Creation // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT pragma solidity ^0.8.0; contract KryptoBird { string public name; string public symbol; constructor () { name = 'Kryptobird'; symbol = 'KBIRDZ'; } } smart contract 배포를 해보기 위해서 간단한 contract를 작성했다. 99. Truffle Deployment Javascript File const KryptoBird = artifacts.require("KryptoBird"); //contract name module.export..
섹션 8의 내용은 nodejs, npm, truffle, ganache, metamask 를 설치하는 과정이어서 생략했다. 85. What is JSON (Examples) https://www.w3schools.com/whatis/whatis_json.asp 86. NFT Project Dependency Overview package.json 파일의 dependencies를 간단하게 살펴보았다. dependencies 의 내용은 우리가 프로젝트를 실행하기 위해 설치해야하는 configuration을 담았다. 아직은 isntall 하지 않았지만, npm install을 실행하면 package.json 파일에 있는 dependencies를 설치할 것이다. "dependencies": { "@metamas..
55. General Introduction To Variables & Types Variables : Variables are ussed to store information to be referenced and manipulated in a computer program Three main types of variables: Booleans, Integers, Strings Boolean : bool - true/false Integer : uint - Singed and unsigned integers of varying sizes String : string - data values that are made up of ordered sequences of characters 57. Writing ..
42. What is a Constructor in Solidity // a constructor is a special type of function // that gets called immediately upon deployment // the constructor can only be called one time // a function is just a set of instructions bundled together constructor(/*we can add arguments*/){ minter = msg.sender; //msg.sender == global variable == the person who created contract } constructor는 contract가 deplo..
드디어..! solidity를 배운다..! 31. How To Code Along In These Sections - Remix Ethereum IDE Introduction "remix.ethereum.org" 를 주소창에 입력하면 Remix IDE에 접속할 수 있다. 여기서 실습을 진행한다. Compiler 탭에서 language는 Solidity를 선택하고(default 설정이다.) DEPLOY&RUN TRANSACTIONS 탭에서는 Environment를 JavaScript VM으로 선택한다. Injected Web3는 선택하면 안된다고 한다. 그리고 Crypto-Token-Contract.sol 이라는 파일을 새로 생성하면 준비 끝! IDE: REMIX ETHEREUM stands for Int..
23. NFT & Gaming Introduction (CryptoKitties Example) In 2017, the game Cryptokitties demonstrated how non-fungible assets can be made and traded on the Ethereum blockchain. In this game, players can breed and trade Kitties - but crucially, all the Kitties exist on the blockchain, and can only be bred or traded by the player who owns them. A traditional online game stores data on a central serve..
14. https://www.coindesk.com/tech/2021/07/12/nft-marketplaces-a-beginners-guide/ NFT Marketplaces: A Beginner’s Guide NFT marketplaces allow digital collectors to buy, sell and create their own tokens that represent ownership of unique, tangible and intangible items. www.coindesk.com coindesk 라는 사이트에 올라온 NFT marketplace에 대한 문서이다. 유명한 사이트라고 하니 앞으로 리서치하거나 할 때 찾아봐야겠다! NFT marketplaces are platforms..
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