Streaming stored video
- playing while downloading
- challenge: scale, heterogeneity of clients 👉 solution: distributed, smart client
- progressive: 점진적(Progressive)으로 내 컴퓨터에 다운로드하여 플레이 되는 방식
- adaptive: 비디오를 chunk로 나누어 전송
DASH (Dynamic, Adaptive Streaming over HTTP)
- server
- divides video file into multiple chunks -> each chunk stored, encoded at different rates
- manifest file: provides URLs for different chunks
- client (smart client)
- periodically e2e delay 측정
- request one chunk at a time: choses maximum coding rate and diffrent coding rates at different points in time (depending on available BW at time)
- client determines when to request chunk, what encoding rate to request, where to requeest chunk
CDN (Content Distribution Network)
- store/serve multiple copies of content at multiple geographically distributed sites (CDN nodes)
- subscriber requests content from CDN
enter deep
- push CDN servers deep into many access networks
- close to users -> better e2e delay performance than bring home
bring home
- smaller number of larger clusters in IXPs or POPs near (but not within) access networks
- better (easier) management & maintenance than enter deep
OTT (Over the top)
- challenges: coping with a congested Internet
Socket Programming
- door btw applications process and end-end-transport protocol (L5 - L4)
- Two socket types for two transport services:
- UCP: unreliable datagram
- TCP: reliable, byte stream-oriented
- UDP provides unreliable transfer (only error checking) of groups of bytes (datagrams) btw client and server
- no "connection" btw client & server: no handshaking before sending data
- no delay for call set-up before data delivery
- transmitted data may be lost or received out-of-order
- sender explicitly attaches IP destination & port # to each pkt -> receiver extracts sender IP address and port # from received pkt
- reliable, no-loss, in-order, byte stream-oriented
- server must first be running
- client contact server by creating TCP socket -> connection to server TCP -> server TCP creates new socket dedicated to particular client -> source port # used to distinguish client
Transport Layer Service
Transport Layer
Transport Layer (L4): process to process comunication
- logical communication btw app processes running on different hots
- Transport protocol run in end systems (hosts) only
- sender side: breaks app msg into segments -> passes to network layer
- receiver side: reassembles segments into msg -> passes to app layer
Transport Layer 기본 기능
- L4의 상위 계층인 L5에서 구동하고 있는 process들 간의 msg 교환을 지원
- sending host의 transport 계층에서는 sending / receiving process의 port #를 L4의 PDU의 header에 넣어 전송 👉 MUX
- receiving host의 transport 계층에서는 sending host가 알려준 정보를 이용하여 receiving process (socket)을 찾아 데이터 전달 👉 DEMUX
Transport Layer의 기본 기능은 destination host의 특정 NIC 카드로 도착한 msg들을 기다리는 수신 process를 찾는 것. 이때, NIC 카드에 설정된 L3 IP address와 L4에서 사용하는 port # 를 각 L3, L4 header의 destination 필드 값과 같은지 비교하여 결정한다.
TCP Segmentation at L4
- MSS (Maximum Segment Size) which is set during TPC connection set-up 으로 메시지를 쪼갬
- MSS <= MTU (Maximum Transmission Unit == Link transmission rate R) in association with a NIC (Network Interface Card)
- IP Fragmentation at L3
Application 계층에서 생성된 msg 크기가 전송된 링크의 transmission rate R보다 큰 경우 msg는 더 작은 크기로 쪼개져서 전송된다.
- Transport Layer에서 수행 -> TCP Segmentation
- Network Layer에서 수행 -> IP Fragmentation
L4에서 TCP를 사용하는 경우 이미 MTU보다 같거나 작게 쪼개서 L3에 전달되므로 IP가 break down 하지 않아도 됨
- IP의 의무는 링크를 통과할 수 있도록 링크가 허용하는 MTU 이하로 패킷 크기를 만드는 것
Transport Layer vs Network Layer
- Network Layer: logical communication btw hosts
Transport Layer Protocols
- reliable, in-order delivery
- congestion control, flow control, connection setup & disconnection
- mux / demux : finding an appropriate process(socket)
- unreliable, unordered delivery
- mux / demux
Services not avaliable in both TCP and UDP:
- delay guarantees
- bandwidth guarantees
UDP 혹은 TCP가 Demux 할 때, port # + IP address 사용 -> socket을 생성할 때 identification을 위해 자신의 port # 이외에 IP address까지 사용하는 이유?
👉 호스트가 둘 이상의 IP 주소를 가지고 있는 경우, 다른 IP 주소를 destination IP address로 하여 도착한 pkt은 destination port #가 동일하더라도 다른 소켓으로 전달될 수 있기 때문에
👉 포트 번호는 IP 주소 당 관리된다.
Mux & Demux
Multiplexing / Demultiplexing
Multiplexing at sender (server)
- handle data from multiple sockets, add transport header (later used for demultiplexing)
Demultiplexing at receiver
- use header info to deliver received segments to correct socket
How Demux Works
- host receives IP datagrams
- each datagram has src & dst IP address
- each datagram carries one transport-layer segment
- each segment has src and dst port numbers
- host uses IP address & port nubmers to direct segment to appropriate sockets
UDP: Connectionless demux
- sender (mux)
- created socket has host-local port number
- when creating IP datagram to send into UDP socket, must specify destination IP address & port #
- receiver (demux)
- when host receives UDP datagram, checks destination port # in UDP header
- directs UDP datagram to socket with that port #
- IP datagrams with same destination port #, but different source IP address and/or source port numbers will be directed to same socket at destination host
TCP: Connection-oriented demux
- each TCP socket identified by
- source IP address / port # & destination IP address / port #
- demux
- receiver uses all four values to direct segent to appropriate socket
- server host may support many simultaneous TCP sockets
- web servers have different sockets for each connection client -> threaded
- non-persistent HTTP will have different socket for each request
- destination IP address, port #가 같은 경우 UDP는 같은 socket으로 보내지만, TCP는 다른 socket으로 mapping될 수 있음
TCP 서버는 UDP와 달리 자신과 통신하는 각 클라이언트들과 연결된 socket에 해당 client host의 IP 주소와 port number를 추가로 기록한다.
'CS > 컴퓨터네트워크' 카테고리의 다른 글
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