Network Apps
Loss-sensitive application (= data integrity = reliable)
- email, web, text messaging, remote login, P2P file sharing
Delay-sensitive application
- multi-user network games, voice over IP (e.g. Skype)
Bandwidth-sensitive application
- streaming stored video (YouTube, Netflix), real-time video conferencing
Creating a network app
- no need to write software for network-core devices -> network-core devices don't run user applications
- Applications run on end systems
Application Architectures
- always-on host
- parmanent IP address
- data centers for scaling
- communicate with server (don't communicate directly with each other)
- may be intermittently connected
- may have dynamic IP address
Peer-to-peer (P2P)
- BitTorrent (file sharing), Skype, IPTV
No always-on server
- arbitrary end systems directly communicate
- peers request service from other peers & provide service in return to other peers
- self scalability: new peers bring new service capacity as well as demands
- peers are intermittently connected and change IP address
Process: program running within a host
- within same host, two processes communicate using inter-process communication (defined by OS)
- in different hosts communicate by exchanging messages (protocol)
Client - Server
- child process: process that initiates communication
- server process: process that waits to be contacted
- both child process & server processes are in the same host
Process sends/receives messages to/from its socket
- socket := door btw Application Layer (L5) and Transport Layer (L4)
- TCP는 일대일로 하나의 socket을 이용 / UDP는 여러 process가 하나의 socket을 공유
Addressing processes
To receive msg, process must have identifier
- identifier = IP address + port numbers
- host device has unique 32-bit IP address (at NIC)
- many processes can be running on same host -> reason why port # needs. (ex. HTTP: 80, mail server: 25)
What App-layer protocol defines
- types of messages exchanged (e.g. request, response)
- message syntax
- message semantics
- rules for when and how process send & respond to msg
- open protocols: defined in RFCs (e.g. HTTP, SMTP)
- proprietary protocols (e.g. Skype)
Transport Protocols
Transport Service Requirements
Data Integrity (Loss)- TCP
- some apps (file transfer (FTP), web transactions, email, txt messaging ..) require reliable data transfer
- other apps (e.g. audio, video) can tolerate some loss
Timing (delay)
- some apps (real-time audio/video, stored audio/video, interactive games) require low delay
- some apps (multimedia, real-time audio/video, stored audio/video, interactive games) require minimum amount of throughput
- 단위 시간 당 일정양의 데이터가 전송되어야 함
- 'elastic aps' (email, text messaging..) make use of whatever throughput they get
- for encryption
TCP Service
- reliable transport (no loss, in-order, loss-sensitive)
- connection-oriented: setup required btw client and server process
- flow control: sender won't overwhelm receiver (at receiving TCP buffer)
- congestion control: throttle sender when network overloaded (at sending TCP buffer)
UDP Service
- unreliable transport: only mux/demux & checksum (아무 기능이 없음)
- doesn't provide: connection setup, reliability, flow control, congestion control
- good for real-time streaming service, one-time transaction, smart application
TCP, UDP both don't provide: timing, minumum throughput guarantee, security
Web and HTTP
- Web page consists of objects
- Web page consists of base HTML-file which includes several referenced objects
- each object is addressable by a URL (host name + path name)
HTTP Overview
HTTP: hypertext transfer protocol
Client-server model
- server: Web server sends objects in response to request
- client: Browser that requests, receives, displays Web objects
- Client and a server communicate with each other by exchanging HTTP msg
HTTP Operation
uses TCP: 하나의 TCP가 send / receive buffer를 모두 가지고 있음
- TCP Connection set-up
- server waits on port 80
- client initiates TCP connection (creates socket) to server, port 80
- server accepts TCP connection from client
- HTTP messages exchange
- App-layer protocol messages exchanged btw browser(HTTP client) and Web server(HTTP server)
- TCP connection closed
HTTP is "stateless"
- server maintains no information about past client requests
- each request message can be understood in isolation
- for dynamically load balance requests accross multiple servers: 서버 부하 & client가 느끼는 response time ⬇️
protocols that maintain "state" are complex -> 서버 부하 ⬆️, 복구 어렵
HTTP Connections
HTTP Response Time (RTT)
RTT (round trip time)
- time for a small pck to travel from client to server & back to the client including 4 delays
Non-persistent HTTP (1.0)
- at most one object sent over TCP connection then closed
- downloading multiple objects requires multiple TCP connections
- requires 2 RTTs per objects (ignoring transmission time)
- 1 RTT for initiating TCP connection
- 1 RTT for HTTP request and first few bytes of HTTP resposne to return
- file transmission time
- OS overhead for each TCP connection -> multiple TCP connections may be needed per one browser process
- using parallel TCP connections to fetch referenced objects
Persistent HTTP (1.1)
- multiple objects can be sent over single TCP connection btw client and server
- requires 3 RTTs for retrieving n objects (initiating + base file + object)
- server leaves connection open after sending response
- subsequent HTTP msg btw same client/server sent over open connection
- client sends requests as soon as it encounters a referenced object
- 1 RTT for all the referenced objects
- HTTP Pipelining: HTTP가 persistent TCP connection을 사용하여 request msg를 보내고 그에 대한 response msg를 받기 전에 다음 request를 연속으로 보내는 것 (TCP가 in-order 능력을 지원해주기 때문)
HTTP Request Message
Request Message
request line (GET, POST, HEAD Commands) + header lines (persistent HTTP인 경우 Keep-Alive 포함) + body
Response Message
status line (protocol status code) + header lines (Last-Modified: data가 마지막으로 업데이트된 시간) + data
- status codes
- 200 OK / 301 Moved Permanently / 304 Not Modified / 400 Bad Request / 404 Not Found / 505 HTTP Version Not Supported
Cookies: User-server state
- for stateful support
- component
- cookie header line of HTTP response msg (by server)
- cookie header line in next HTTP request msg (by client)
- cookie file kept on user's host, managed by user's browser
- back-end database at Web site
- example
- when initial HTTP requests arrives at site, site creates: unique ID (allocated by server, used by client at the same PC) & entry in backend database for ID
What cookies can be used for:
- authorization, user session state, shopping carts, recommendations ..
How to keep "state":
- protocol endpoints: maintain state at sender / receiver over multiple transactions
- cookies: http messages carry state
Cookies and Privacy
- Cookies permit sites to learn a lot about you (ex. name, e-mail..)
Web Caches (Proxy server)
Web Caches
- for satisfying client request by proxy in LAN without involving origin server in Internet
- browser sends all HTTP requests to cache
- if object in cache (HIT): cache returns object
- else (MISS): cache requests object from origin server, then returns object to client
- cache acts as both client and server
- server for original requesting client / client to origin server
- typically public cache is installed by access ISPs
Benefits of Web caching
- reduce response time
- reduce traffic on institution's access link (when cache hit)
Concerns of Web caching
- Cache inconsistency
Access link utilization = (Data rate to browsers over access link) / (Access Link Transmission Rate) = TI
-> 너무 높은 문제! 느려짐
- Solution 1) fatter access link -> increased access link speed but expensive
- Solution 2) install local cache -> cheaper & faster than increasing access link
Conditional GET
- Server does not send object if cache has up-to-date cached version
- no object transmission delay & loser link utilization -> response time ⬇️
- cache: specify date of cached copy in HTTP request
If-modified-since: <date>
- server: response contains no object if cached copy is up-to-date
304 Not Modified
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